Signature Pool & Spas offers Leak Detection Services on inground, above ground swimming pools and inground spas.  The first step in our leak detection process is to have you complete a couple of simple tests over the next 48 hours.

Swimming pools can lose water from a few different areas of the pool including: the pool shell/liner, the pressurized return lines, or the suction lines of the pool (skimmers/main drains). 

Detecting a leak can become quite costly when searching for a leak without a few important pieces of information for instance when is the water loss occurring.  In an effort to help lessen the cost of the testing required to determine the leak’s location, we ask you to perform some simple tests that can be done with only a bucket, tape measure, pen and paper.

We have provided our Leak Detection Customer Procedures Form for you to download.  This form outlines the steps to take with instructions on their purpose and process.

Signature Pool and Spas - Leak Detection

Important Notice:  Completing the simple tests as outlined on our Leak Detection Procedures for Customers is important to help determine where to begin looking for the leak and a requirement to get on our schedule with our Leak Detection technicians.

Instructions To Complete a Leak Detection Form

Click on button below to download the Leak Detection Procedures Form. You can download the file to your desktop or by default to your “downloads” folder.

Once you have downloaded the file.

  • Go to the location you downloaded the file. .
  • Open File and follow all the steps over the next 48 hours. 
  • Fill out the form with your contact information and record your results. This is an editable pdf file, so you can just fill in each question.
  • Save File to your desktop..

Submit Your Completed Leak Detection Form Below.  **A Completed Leak Detection Form MUST be completed and submitted prior to getting on the schedule.

Submitting Your Completed Leak Detection Form

Please answer a few questions about the structure you just completed leak procedures on and upload your completed leak results.

Once we receive your results, our service department will review and contact you for scheduling if needed.

Has The Structure Had Water Loss In The Past
Can you visibly see water accumulating around the pool?
Is There Any Sinkage In The Ground or Patio Area?
Is There Any Water Accumulating Around The Equipment (At Filter Pad)
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